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IV Nutrient Infusion Therapy

Intravenous (IV) nutrition is a method of feeding vitamins, minerals, and other natural substances directly into a patient’s bloodstream. Bypassing the digestive system is the main advantage of IV nutrition. When substances are given orally they must be processed through the stomach and the intestines. Many substances may be rendered inactive in the digestive tract, or may not be well absorbed due to poor intestinal function. By directly administering nutrients to the body higher than normal blood levels can be achieved. These increased levels can provide an immediate therapeutic response by correcting deficiencies that may arise from a disease state.

Scientific research has demonstrated that a variety of conditions can benefit from the use of IV nutrition. A few of the conditions that may be helped using IV nutrition techniques include hypertension, COPD, asthma, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes, hepatitis, and even the common cold.

All of the intravenous protocols used at The Rothfeld Center have been thoroughly researched and have been shown to be effective in the treatment of certain conditions. By practicing this type of “evidence-based medicine” we can custom tailor our IV infusions to ensure maximal effectiveness combined with minimal side effects.

Myer’s Cocktail

The Myer’s Cocktail is an intravenous vitamin-and-mineral formula for the treatment of a wide range of clinical conditions. The modified “Myers’ cocktail,” which consists of magnesium, B vitamins, and vitamin C, has been found to be effective against acute asthma attacks, migraines, fatigue (including chronic fatigue syndrome), fibromyalgia, acute muscle spasm, upper respiratory tract infections, chronic sinusitis, seasonal allergic rhinitis, cardiovascular disease, and other disorders.

The Myer’s Cocktail can be very useful in situations where oral nutrients or other therapies are not working. When nutrients are given intravenously, your digestive system is bypassed and a much higher level of nutrition can be delivered directly to your cells via the bloodstream. The nutrients then kick-start those cells which are performing below par.

The general effect of a Myers Cocktail intravenous therapy appears to be a marked improvement in the energy capacity and function of cells. If your cells can function at their best, it’s more likely you can recover from a serious health problem.

Magnesium & Vitamin B

A Magnesium and Vitamin B infusion is ideal for patients with symptoms of Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, migraine, muscle spasm, addiction, PMS, and PTSD symptoms. When testing patient’s experiencing these symptoms it is often found that the body had depleted its store of Magnesium and essential B vitamins.

A typical magnesium infusion uses 2 gm of magnesium or more, a dosage which taken orally would cause severe diarrhea (think of a lot of Milk of Magnesia, which is magnesium) and would never increase the body’s magnesium stores. Therefore, using a high dose infusion to help rebuild the body, while providing a extra for storage, is an ideal way to reduce symptoms and restore health.

Vitamin C Infusions

Vitamin C or L-ascorbate is an essential nutrient for a large number of higher primate species, a small number of other mammalian species (notably guinea pigs and bats), a few species of birds, and some fish.

The presence of ascorbate is required for a range of essential metabolic reactions in all animals and plants. It is made internally by almost all organisms, humans being the most well-known exception.

Ideal for Toxicity, Hepatitis, Mono and other chronic viruses, cancer, fatigue and weakness, immune system problems, there is more to Vitamin C than Orange Juice. As with other infusions, our bodies would simply not tolerate digestion of high doses of Vitamin C, but by infusing this vitamin into the bloodstream we allow the body to consume higher doses for longer lasting effect.


Glutathione is a small molecule made up of three amino acids, which exists in almost every cell of the body. However, Glutathione, must be generated within the cell from its precursors before it can work effectively in the body.

The presence of glutathione is required to maintain the normal function of the immune system. It is known to play a critical role in the multiplication of lymphocytes (the cells that mediate specific immunity) which occurs in the development of an effective immune response.

Furthermore, the cells of the immune system produce many oxiradicals as a result of their normal functioning, resulting in a need for higher concentrations of antioxidants than most cells. Glutathione plays a crucial role in fulfilling this requirement.

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